Mercury Toxicity Update

Homeopaths have known for 200 years the damaging effects of mercury on the nervous system. When homeopaths tested mercury (conducted a 'proving') mercury strongly affected the mind and the general nervous system and the immune system. Why does it take the FDA so long to recognize the dangers of these environmental toxins? Now insurance companies will need to change what they pay for, i.e., begin paying for the composite filling materials.

News Flash: (from the William Campbell Douglass newsletter)

'FDA finally acknowledges toxicity of mercury fillings

Dear Friend,

It's the beginning of the end for mercury fillings. After a decade-long battle, Consumers for Dental Choice announced that they'd settled a lawsuit that will compel the FDA to comply with a new law and classify mercury amalgam.

According to Charlie Brown (and no, I didn't make that name up) of the General Council for Consumers for Dental Choice, the FDA agreed to drastically alter its Web site on dental amalgams. "Gone, gone, gone are all of the FDA's claims that no science exists that amalgam is unsafe," Brown said.

Now, the FDA Web site clearly states: "Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses. When amalgam fillings are placed in teeth or removed from teeth, they release mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is also released during chewing. FDA's rulemaking will examine evidence concerning whether release of mercury vapor can cause health problems, including neurological disorders, in children and fetuses."

It's always been something of a shock to me that there hasn't been more of an uproar about mercury in fillings. After all, it's already known that they leak mercury into your system at an alarming rate.'

Is it time for you or a family member to have their mercury amalgams removed? Talk to me about going through that procedure safely and comfortably. Homeopathy can help with the pain of the procedure and any detox work needed per your symptoms. Also see my blog on 'Seeing the Dentist".

First published 2 July 2008

Lynn Amara