What I like to say about Homeopathy...

Homeopathy is strange.

It is not based on fighting disease.

It is not based on opposing your symptoms.

It is not allopathy.

Homeopathy is based on your intrinsic ability to heal, given the right prompt.

Homeopathy works by rebooting your hard drive, rather than over writing your operating system with patch programs.

Homeopathy does not derive it's effect from the primary action of it's medicines. Homeopathy derives it's effects from the secondary action of it's medicines, i.e., your REACTION to the medicine. Your reaction is the vital component that propels the healing response and healing process. No miracles, just the methodical regaining of basic healthy systems.

So stop suppressing your symptoms with antihistamines, antiacids, antibiotics, proton-pump inhibitors, antivirals, pain killers... Suppression is not cure. Suppression will not result in health, healthiness nor abundant vitality.

Because every complaint - however painful - is a message. And every message that is heeded and corrected for, results in better health.

First published 22 July 2008

Lynn Amara