Homeopathic Care for Hangovers...

A Hangover is the result of the overuse of alcohol. There are many possible factors involved including individual susceptibility; see the wikipedia definition. In homeopathy, we call this state of dis-ease an indiscretion, not an illness. An indiscretion is basically a poor choice. Hopefully the consequences of the poor choice teach you not to repeat that behavior. If you repeatedly over use alcohol, you are looking at deeper issues of impulse control, self medication and addiction. Constitutional homeopathic care can help you address the underlying issues that propel you towards excess alcohol consumption.  And although constitutional homeopathic care can also help in detoxification, much more supportive therapy is needed to overcome addiction.

Never, ever, drink and drive.

Homeopathy for Hangovers Decision Tree

First published 31 July 2007

Lynn Amara