About Toothpaste...

So, toothpaste. This is a recurrent question when folks turn to homeopathy, because homeopathic medicines are interfered with by camphor, eucalyptus, tea tree oil (melaluca), Boswellia oil, and sometimes strong mints and menthols. These strong smelling essential oils demand a reaction from your body, and in doing so, they de-rail the response to the homeopathic medicine. The strong ones must be avoided at all times when you use homeopathic medicines on your own, or when you are receiving constitutional homeopathic care. They 'antidote' the homeopathic medicines.

Therefore I recommend using a natural toothpaste that is free of strong mints, menthol, trea tree oils etc. Here is a good list to start with:
• Tom's of Maine Natural Silly Strawberry (with fluoride - *not a good choice if a person is suffering from hypothyroidism, because fluoride displaces iodine uptake by the thyroid. Iodine uptake is needed to make thyroid hormones.)
• Tom's of Maine Natural Apricot anticavity for a dry mouth with Xylitol (with fluoride*)
• Homeodent - homeopathic toothpaste by Boiron - fennel flavor
• Spry toothpaste with Xylitol by XClear (avoid the minty ones)

All the natural toothpastes, gums, mouth rinses, and nasal spray products with xylitol have such great benefits. Just like probiotics balance the flora of the gut, xylitol balances the flora of the nose, mouth, throat and ear canal. Xylitol can prevent ear infections, prevent throat infections and by inhibiting dental plaque, prevent tooth decay and gum loss. Pretty neat, huh? One of my favorite prescriptions for children who want to avoid another round of antibiotics for recurrent ear infections, is for the child to chew natural xylitol gum. Telling a mom that her child needs to chew gum, makes me pretty popular with kids. And xylitol is a natural sweetner too. Enjoy.

First published 15 August 2008

Lynn Amara